Angels Among Us free standing angels


Angels Among Us free standing angelsAngels Among Us free standing angels


Free standing angels done

with Mylar or Angelina Film

4X4   &   5X7



Simply gorgeous and simply made! 


original design and & free standing method!

Angels Among Us free standing angels

These beautiful new angels take free standing to a whole new level. This new concept in design creates  stunning angels that are equally beautiful on both sides! Amazingly made without the need for water soluble stabilizer.


***  That's right NO WSS REQUIRED!!! ***

Full how to photo instructions are included


This original technique creates the angels in one hooping fully finished on both sides! No more rinsing , drying, ironing or waiting! Quick stitching and ready to gift or send in minutes!

These angels are perfect for sending to say I love you, you are in my prayers, angels of comfort and support. Both angels include the option of attaching a ribbon to be held, done in the hoop. Custom color your angel through your Mylar/Angelina choices and by the thread colors you choose to use.

Patricia B. used a patterned Mylar with her angel ~ simply gorgeous!

For support angels match your cause and add your ribbons. 

These angels are perfect to send in cards of sympathy & cards of cheer to let someone know you are thinking of them. Uplifting and encouraging, a token of faith, a gesture of love, or support or just a beautiful angel to simply enjoy.

** Perfect for your Christmas decorating! **

** Adorn your tree with glistening angels **

**  Beautiful gift to include in your cards **

** Makes a great bookmark too.  **

CLICK here to see more MYLAR designs


 You may also like NLE's  Fabric based Freestanding Angels



To see them,  click  HERE



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