
This fantasy design is done in a sheer contoured style that accents the beauty of both body & branching in this Nature's Nymph. A great design for both home and fashion for those who enjoy an artsy take on nature designs.
Perfect for the nature lover & the Go Green conscientious from tops & tees to pillows and totes. A wonderful design for your reusable shopping bags too!

Below is a photo from Cyndy, who has incorporated all of my Nymphs into a wonderful fiber art mural, created for her sewing from. This photo shows only the Spring Nymph which she added Mylar to before stitching out her design. The hill she stands on was created with the fabric confetti technique. Cyndy is always thinking outside of the box to utilize a mix of new techniques in her projects. This mural is actually a table skirt that she used for her work space ... so long that I cannot show the full mural. Just know that it is oh sew innovative and beautiful !!!

You can find Nature's Nymphs for all seasons
by clicking the photo below:

And here's a photo from Kris who mirrored
Nature's Spring Nymph and added a centered Spring
& then added some crystal bling to the corners of each letter!
Thanks for sharing Kris !